Friday, April 9, 2010

Some things you should know about Joey, age 3...

We just can't believe that our little Joey Bear is 3 years old! He has always been such a pleasant little boy but it seems that overnight he has turned into our little man. He has such a sensibility about him and it's so much fun to have real conversations with him about things like, "How do we leave our planet?"


Here are a few things going on in Joey's life right now that we want to remember forever:

Joey is very skilled at identifying different makes of cars on the road. His current list includes: VW, Toyota, BMW, Honda, Lexus, Audi, GMC, Ford, Chevy, Cadillac, Jaguar and Chrysler. We are working on Mazda, Nissan and Saturn. The annual car show comes to town next month and we think it is going to blow his mind!

Joey is the best big brother ever. He wants to be a part of Owen's every naptime and bedtime routine. Before naps, Joey and Owen sit side-by-side on the rocking chair in Owen's room and we all sing "You Are My Sunshine" together. During Owen's bedtime routine, Joey likes to read with Owen, say prayers, sing "Hush Little Baby" and then he kisses Owen on the forehead and says, "I love you, good night, wan an, wua ai ni (good night and I love you in Chinese), I'll be right outside."

As of about a month ago, Joey is completely potty-trained! He even wears big boy underwear to bed at night and has not had a single accident!

Joey gave up napping a few months ago although on some days he's so tired that he will fall asleep on the couch or even on the living room floor. Cutting out his nap has made his bedtime routine so much smoother and he's even starting to sleep in a bit later in the morning (and by sleeping in I mean sleeping until 6:30 or 7:00). Each night at bedtime we read 1 or 2 books, then Joey goes pee pee in the potty, then he comes back to the room to plug in his car (surprised, are we?) nightlight, and then he climbs into his bed and we sing songs. We have been singing the 5 same songs every night for as long as I can remember: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," "Hush Little Baby," "You Are My Sunshine," "Beetlecar" (this is a Maguire original), and "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." After the songs, Joey goes through a list of things that will not wake him up. It goes something like this: "No cars, no trucks, no fire engines, no helicopters, no airplanes, no showers, no bathtubs, no toilets flushing, no loud dishes, nothing's going to wake me up." Then we say our good night's and I love you's and call it a night.

Joey is so lucky to have a great group of friends from our neighborhood playgroup. His best buddies that we play with all the time are: Cristian, Zander, Hannah, Kaitlin, Sammy and Griffin. Joey and Griffin have even had a couple of sleepovers at our house with Joey sleeping in his own bed and Griffin sleeping on a kid-sized air mattress and they've done surprisingly well!


Joey is absolutely our life's pride and joy and although we are sad that he's no longer our baby, we are so excited to watch him grow everyday into a wonderful little man. We love you, Joey!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Owen!

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday sweet Owen,
Happy birthday to you!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Little Longhorns' First Game at DKR

We took the boys to their very first Longhorns football game at DKR this weekend. Texas was playing the University of Central Florida so we figured it wouldn't be as crowded as usual. Our plan was to go to the game without any expectations of how long we would stay. It turns out the boys quite enjoyed the game day ambience and we stayed until well past halftime!

We made a stop at the Shotgun 30 tailgate. Joey enjoyed a breakfast taco while relaxing on the stinkiest couch known to mankind. But hey, it's burnt orange so it's a keeper!

The four of us squished into our two seats. Here we are during pre-game festivities.

Sometime around the 2nd quarter, Joey got tired of sitting in our seats so we wandered down to our friends' seats in the front row. Joey got some smiles and winks from the UT cheerleaders and even made it on the Jumbotron!

Joey running down the row looking for some high-fives.

Owen and Daddy eventually made their way down too and as you can see, Owen did his fair share of charming the cheerleaders too!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This was a busy Halloween season for us mostly because it was our first time coordinating for two kiddos. So I'll never understand why I decided that it would be a fun idea to make Joey's costume. I may have thought that it would be cheaper than buying one (which it wasn't) or maybe I thought that he would appreciate it more (which he didn't). But one thing's for sure - a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into that thing and it actually turned out quite cute!

Joey helping out by painting one of the styrofoam wheels.

The finished product...TA DA! We used a carseat box and to make the car red (Joey's favorite color) and to help make it a bit sturdier, we wrapped red electrical tape around the whole thing. We topped it off with some styrofoam wheels, a couple of LED headlights and daddy's homemade TX license plate.

Our not so happy sunshine. Why does trick or treating have to start so late?

Trick or treating with our friends and neighbors, the McInnis family.

Here's a video from the Halloween Parade at Joey's school where his red car costume made its official debut.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009