Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Impromptu fun

Today started out as just another Tuesday...we had a slow morning with nowhere to be so we took our time eating breakfast and watching TV. Originally we were supposed to have lunch with a friend but she ended up getting sick so we had to make other plans. Luckily, daddy was free to meet us so we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and took Joey to Hula Hut for the first time. I really don't know why we hadn't thought of taking him there before because he loved it and was completely entertained by the water, the boats, the birds, and anything else you can imagine. Heck, even Owen was in a good mood while we were there!

This is how Joey looked as we were getting ready to leave Hula Hut.

Since it was only noon when we left Hula Hut, we decided to meet some of Joey's buddies at a local park. I thought that the kids would spend some time playing in the sandpit (which of course they didn't). What I didn't know is that this park had a spray fountain and of course that's where all the kids wanted to play.

Here is Joey standing right in the middle of the water spray...

So he ended up looking like this...

Since mommy did not come prepared with extra clothes or even a towel, we stripped Joey down to his diapers and dried him off with Owen's burp cloth. Then we borrowed a friend's sling to put around Joey so he could stay modest...

But Joey decided that getting rid of his farmer's tan was more important than modesty so he sat around like this until we finally left.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy 6-months, Owen!

My baby boy is 6 months old today! He's growing so quickly that I'm almost ready to have another baby (totally kidding!!!).

Here are the stats from his 6-month well check:
* Weight: 21 lbs., 2 oz. (95th percentile)
* Length: 26 1/2" (75th-90th percentile)
* Head Circumference: 45.4 cm (75th-90th percentile)

We took these pictures this afternoon of our happy guy...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Owen celebrated this Mother's Day with his great-grandmothers. What a lucky boy!

Owen and Oma

Owen and Grandma (aka Nai-Nai)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sneak peek: Joey's 2-year pics

Yesterday we ventured out to the beautiful Mayfield Park to do Joey's 2-year pictures. The photographer is a friend of mine from playgroup who is just venturing into the photography business but is really talented with a camera. She has not had a chance to edit all the photos yet (I'll post them as soon as I get them), but did send me some to tide me over. This one is a personal favorite of mine...

I had planned on doing 6-month photos for Owen, but then I remembered how limited Joey's 6-month photo options were since he was not sitting up yet. So as soon as Owen can sit up on his own, we're going to do a session for him and during the same session we're going to try (the key word is try) to get some shots of our two boys together and maybe if we're really lucky we might get a family portrait too!