Sunday, June 28, 2009

Owen's first haircut

Our sweet baby Owen has some of the craziest hair you've ever seen on an infant. Since the wild hair was captured in the baby photos that we did a couple of weeks ago, we felt it was time for us to take the plunge and chop it off. We asked our playgroup mommy friend Roxanne to come over and do the honors yesterday.

Here's the 'before' shot.

Owen looks a little worried and slightly frightened.

Owen thinking, "Okay, this is not bad, not bad at all..."

"Hey, I'm really starting to enoy this!"

All done!

Here's the 'after' shot. Let's hope the haircut will put a stop to people asking us if Owen is a boy or a girl. Seriously, people!

Joey jabber

Joey is quite the little chatterbox and each day he surprises us with new words and the ability to string more and more words together into complete sentences. The other night as Joey and I were preparing for a mommy & son date night at Souper Salad with our friends Rachel and Griffin, Joey said to me, "Mommy is a princess and Joey is a good boy." I just about melted into a puddle right there on our kitchen floor.

p.s. Is it just me or does Joey look much too grown-up in this picture?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Owen's Baptism

After a delicious breakfast to celebrate Father's Day with daddy, we spent the rest of the day celebrating Owen's baptism. Owen was baptized at St. Vincent de Paul and we were so blessed to have family and friends with us to witness the special occasion. The baptism itself was very short and sweet but Owen made it known to everyone that he was not happy about it interfering with his naptime. I can't say I blame him - you wouldn't be very happy about getting your head drenched in chilly water either, even if it is holy water!

Mima putting Owen in the family baptismal gown (Daddy and Joey wore it too!).

Owen and mommy sharing a quiet moment before the baptism.

Owen being doused in holy water - as in, HOLY cow this WATER is cold!

Deacon David practically shampooing Owen's hair with the oils.

(from l-r) Aunt Janet, Oma, Daddy, Owen, Joey and Mima - everyone in this picture wore the same gown for their respective baptisms. Isn't that neat?

Our family with Owen's godparents, Craig and Jennifer. Look at Owen eyeing the Deacon as if to say, "What did you just do to me?"

Owen's baptism cake - it was not so beautifully decorated, but you'll have to trust me when I tell you that it was delicious!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy 7 months, Owen!

Our big boy turned 7 months old this weekend! We celebrated today by having some professional pictures done - will post as soon as I can! Since our last update, Owen has started eating 3 solid meals a day (in addition to his bottles), has 2 bottom teeth coming in and now has a whole bunch of personality. We love you big boy!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Joey's 2-year photos

We got the final edits of Joey's 2-year photos from our photographer/friend Rachel this weekend. Here are a couple of teaser shots. Click here to see all of the photos from the shoot.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Summer break - Week 1

This past week was our first full week of summer vacation where the boys and I were at home with absolutely no plans on the calendar. We did manage to make a couple of trips to the park (despite the inferno-like weather) but mostly we found lots of ways to keep ourselves entertained at our home sweet home.

Joey working out on the treadmill (don't worry - he is ALWAYS supervised).

The guys lounging on the couch watching a little TV (I don't even feel guilty about this anymore).

Joey and his playgroup buddies Kaitlin and Quinn at the movies eating popcorn and waiting for Curious George to begin.

We also had an "All Day Jammies Day" - we definitely plan on having more of those this summer. Here are some videos of the boys just hanging out in their pj's.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Playing at "the beach"

With the drought that we've been experiencing here in Central Texas, all of the area lakes have gotten really low. That's the bad news. On the other hand, the low water level means that a lot of new sandy, beachy areas have appeared. We took full advantage of this and spent the day frolicking in beautiful Lake Travis.

Daddy and his boys

Joey testing out the waters

Owen spent some time lounging in the water too. But after awhile the poor guy looked like he was melting in the hot sun!