Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 1 (and only day) of daycare

Here is Joey all dressed up and ready to go to his first day of daycare. Doesn't he look like such a big boy?

We decided that we'd take him to daycare for a couple of hours on Friday (I was scheduled to go back to work the following Monday) so that he could get acclimated to his new environment. In reality, though, it was to get Mommy and Daddy used to the idea of sending Joey to daycare. Well, we failed that experiment miserably and over the weekend we decided that I would resign my position to be a stay-at-home mommy. It was a much harder decision than I thought it would be, but we feel so fortunate that I have this opportunity to spend more time with Joey and the plan is that once Joey is old enough to enroll in a toddler class, I will re-join the workforce. Until then, though, Joey and I are going to do our best to have as much as fun as possible!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I left my heart (and poopy diapers) in San Francisco

Joey took his first flight last week to visit family in California. He was a great traveler and such a trooper during the whole trip! We had a great time catching up with relatives, sightseeing, shopping, eating, and of course there was a whole lot of chilling out. The weather in the Bay Area was beautiful (you'll notice we're wearing sweaters in some pictures) but we all agree that it definitely feels great to be home.

Below are some highlights from our trip. Click here to see all of our California pics.

Joey with his Aunt Christine.

Joey with his Aunt Rebecca - he's wondering to himself what the heck she did to her hair.

Joey with his grandma Phoebe (we don't know if she really wants to be called 'Grandma', but we'll keep calling her that until she tells us otherwise).

We were so fortunate that Joey's great-grandfather flew into California from Taiwan the night before we were leaving so that Joey had a chance to meet yet another great-grandparent. What a lucky kid to have so many great-grandparents around!

Taking a break from shopping at Stanford Shopping Center.

Of course no trip to California is complete without making a stop at In-N-Out.

We decided to take a daytrip to Monterey and Carmel. It was a lovely ride down the PCH and Joey really seemed to enjoy the views of the Pacific Ocean.

Joey and Daddy at Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey.

Joey and Mommy at Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey.

Joey enjoying the salty air and the cool Pacific breeze.

Joey relieving himself at Fisherman's Wharf.

Here we are at one of the stops on 17-Mile Drive (home of the Pebble Beach Golf Course) between Monterey and Carmel.

Relaxing at home with Dieter the Dog after a long day of driving. The dog absolutely adored Joey and followed him everywhere he went. Luckily, Joey couldn't have cared less about the dog so I hope this means we won't be getting a pet anytime soon.

My Uncle Bill took us into San Francisco's Union Square so that Joey could enjoy some high-end shopping. We ate dessert at the Cheesecake Factory on the 7th floor of the Union Square Macy's and took in the sights of downtown SF. Here are Uncle Bill and Joey afterwards in front of Saks Fifth Avenue.

Time to go home! Here's Joey getting ready for take-off.

And here's Joey as we're about to land - he definitely earned his wings on this trip!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

2-month well check

No pictures today, but wanted to give an update on Joey's 2-month well check. He received 6 vaccinations - 4 shots and 1 oral. Joey did great! He cried just a bit when he felt the needle injections, but stopped crying almost immediately afterwards. We also got an update on Joey's weight and length. He is at 13 pounds, 12 ounces (90th percentile) and 23.5 inches (75th percentile). Good news all around!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Joey made a video montage for his daddy's first Father's Day gift. He really inherited his mommy's love for musical montages (think "One Shining Moment" during March Madness). I swear the kid is such a computer whiz...he even put music to it so turn up the volume and enjoy!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

A little happier each day...

For those of you who keep up with Hollywood gossip, you know that Angelina Jolie once commented that her daughter Shiloh was just a little blob. That's kind of what Joey was like too (albeit an extremely adorable little blob) up until a couple of weeks ago. But then miraculously he started smiling and now he's developing more of his personality everyday!

Here's Joey first thing in the morning when he's at his happiest. Uh-oh, he's going to be a morning person just like his dad.

In this picture he's either about to smile or he's thinking about's really hard to tell.

What'cha lookin' at?

Goofy grin...

I love this picture - Joey absolutely adores his great-grandma Louise! At first we didn't believe her when she claimed that Joey was always smiling at her (conveniently when nobody else was around). But now everytime she starts talking to him, he gives her a big grin and it just makes her day. She even told us today that she likes playing with Joey more than she likes playing mah-jong!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Bathtime fun

Here's Joey doing his imitation of one of those little troll people (or whatever they're called) from Lord of the Rings.

And here's Joey with his curls...we have no idea where he gets that from!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Joey goes to the salon

This morning we all accompanied Grandma to the salon so she could get her hair cut short for the summer. Here are some pictures of Grandma with her stylist:

While we were waiting for Grandma to finish up, Joey met Kirk. Kirk has been doing my hair since my sophomore year in college and hopefully will give Joey his first haircut in a year or so!

Joey has recently discovered the mirror and as you can see here, he quite enjoys admiring himself (not unlike his dad).

Today is Joey's 2-month old birthday and we are still attempting to capture the perfect smile on camera...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Joey and Jaci

Our friend Amy and her sweet little girl, Jaci, dropped by for a quick visit last night. We hadn't seen Jaci since Super Bowl Sunday and at the time she was about the same age that Joey is now. She is now 7 months old and such a sweetie pie - she doesn't stop smiling! Joey, on the other hand, was a bit fussy but I'm sure he can't wait to see Amy and Jaci again and he's excited to meet Jaci's big brother, Drew.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Dancing Joey

This is completely random, but if you switch between these two pictures very quickly, it looks like Joey is having a good ol' time waving his arms in the air and dancing like he just don't care.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Atlanta Cousins

The Atlanta Magu's came to visit this weekend and Joey had a chance to meet his Uncle Kevin, Aunt Laura and cousins Sadie and Charlotte. The girls are absolutely adorable and were so sweet with Joey. We hope to be able to visit them in Atlanta sometime soon!

Cousin Sadie gives Joey a sweet kiss.

Cousin Charlotte checks on Joey during his nap.

Aunt Laura and Joey share a hug.

Uncle Kevin and Joey share a quiet moment.

A BIG thanks to Aunt Katie, Mima and Da for giving us our first alone time this weekend! Katie babysat Joey on Friday night while we attended a wedding and on Saturday, the three of them teamed up to watch Sadie, Charlotte and Joey (whew!) while we parents went to see Knocked Up (which was hilarious!). Click here to see pictures of their afternoon watching the kids and more pics from the weekend.