Saturday, April 28, 2007

Silly Saturday!

According to Joey's outfit, today was just another Silly Saturday and we spent it hanging out and relaxing at the house.

Everyone was making silly faces today - here's a silly face from Joey...

and here's a silly look from Grandma...

Joey is just too cute and it's amazing how easy it is to pass the day just staring at him. And I can never resist the urge to smother him with kisses.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pictures from Mima

Click here to see all the photos that Mima has taken of Joey. The pictures include shots of Joey in his first days at the hospital, photos taken when Mima spent a few days here in town with us and also pics of Joey's day in San Antonio.

p.s. Joey's umbilical cord stump fell off yesterday. Which means that tonight he will be getting his first tub bath...wish us luck!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

To Mima's House We Go!

Joey made his first trip to San Antonio today. Brian had a work meeting in town, so we tagged along and spent the day at Mima's house. Joey had a chance to catch up with Mima and Da and also got to meet some other VIP's for the first time!

Mima is such a great multi-tasker!

Da took a break from work to spend a few minutes with Joey.

Oma meets her 5th great-grandchild!

Aunt Anne stopped by to say hi.

Cousin Maggie and Aunt Julie inspect Joey's little feet.

Cousin Beth thought the Cheez-Its were a bit more interesting than Joey...

Monday, April 23, 2007

2 Week Well Check

Joey had his 2-week well check this morning and his doctor was very happy with his health. His bilirubin levels (for jaundice) are completely back to normal. And our big guy now weighs 7 lbs, 15 ozs. - 1 pound more than he weighed just 1 week ago - so we no longer need to wake him up every three hours for feedings!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Lazy Saturday

We enjoyed our day of relaxation today - Daddy and Joey started the afternoon with a short nap...

And then Miss Mary dropped by our house to meet Joey.

Afterwards it was time for yet another feeding. But as you can see, once Joey decides he's had enough, there's no convincing him to have just a bit more.

So we took advantage of his sleepy time to capture pictures of his precious little fingers and toes.

Ahhh...nothing like a soothing sponge bath to round out a long day!


Daddy left work early today so that he could come home to play with Joey. After some heavy-duty bonding time, the boys took a nap.

While we were playing around with our video camera, we caught Joey with the hiccups - doesn't look like it bothers him too much, though.

Friday, April 20, 2007

More Friends!

We are expecting visitors today so Joey got dressed up in a fancy outfit to make a good first impression.

Mariah and the kids made a pitstop at our house to meet Joey en route to their new home in Kansas City.

After our friends left, Joey ate a big meal (he must be going through a growth spurt - he's eating all the time these days!) and then relaxed with Grandma.

Taking a Walk

We took a nice leisurely walk last night and as you can tell, Grandma really enjoyed pushing Joey around in his stroller.

The walk apparently wiped Joey out...he's exhausted!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007

Happy 1 Week Birthday!

Joey celebrated his 1 week birthday today. Things are going great - he was weighed again today and has gained another ounce since Saturday (he's now up to 6 lbs, 14 ozs). Hooray!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Joey and Friends

Joey has already had several visitors. We know he'd love to meet everyone so feel free to come by and visit us anytime!

Joey and Uncle Eddie

Joey and the Keoughs - Le, Diana and Raegan

Joey and cousin Daniel

Joey and Mr. Ralph

Joey and Ms. Stephanie

Joey and Mr. Kevin and little Sarah

Joey and Aunt Katie

Joey vs. Jaundice

After we were discharged from the hospital on Wednesday, we were able to spend one night at home before Joey's first checkup on Thursday morning. His pediatrician decided that his bilirubin levels were too high and admitted us to Children's Hospital the same day for immediate treatment. After a painful night with lots of needle poking (Joey endured his first IV and has the blisters to prove it) and phototherapy light treatment in an incubator, Joeys' levels went down and we were allowed to come home.

Here he is resting with his daddy while we are waiting to be discharged from the hospital:

We were sent home from the hospital with an in-home phototherapy light treatment setup. As you can see, it looks a little bit scary and Joey did not like it one bit so we only managed to keep him in there for less than 5 minutes.

The good news is that we had some follow-up labwork done yesterday and Joey's bilirubin levels are still on a downward trend so he does not have to endure any further treatments. We just have to keep him well hydrated, eating and pooping a lot.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Joey Has Arrived!

Brian Joseph, Jr. (aka Joey) arrived on Monday April 9, 2007 at 3:27 pm. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 5 ounces and was 19 inches long. Here are some photos of his first few minutes:

Click on the links below for more pictures:

Hospital - Day 1
Hospital - Day 2
First night at home