Sunday, September 30, 2007

Good time baby

Here are some miscellaneous pictures of our fun-lovin' baby from this past weekend.

Wake up, mommy!

Ha ha ha...I win! I squirm around so much during diaper changes that they don't even try to button me up anymore!

A credit card for little ol' me? Don't mind if I do!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Fun with daddy!

Joey is almost 6-months old and his development in the past week has been amazing! He's been working on rolling over and sitting up, but overall he seems to be so much more alert and really just loves to goof around. We no longer have a coffee table in the living room; instead we have a duvet and sheet in the middle of the room so Joey and daddy can do their guy thing and not have to worry about anyone getting hurt.

Here's Joey using daddy like a slide on the playground.

And the always fun tickling session. He's giggling and just having a grand ol' time until he sees mommy with the camera...

Joey flying around after having a bottle. Perhaps not the smartest move by never know what might come up, if you know what I mean...

Not only is daddy a ton of fun, he's also got a yummy nose! Are we not feeding this boy enough?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Happy baby videos

How much does Joey love his great-grandma? Watch this video and see!

Every afternoon around 5:00p.m., Joey gets in his Baby Bjorn, throws on his hat (wrinkle prevention is very important even at this tender age) and walks out to the driveway to greet daddy as he arrives home from work. Here is Joey back inside the house telling daddy all about his busy day!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Birthday buddies

Earlier this summer, we discovered that one of my former co-workers had a son born on the same day as Joey (about three hours earlier than Joey). The baby's name is Gage and he and his parents visited us this weekend while they were in town for the football game.

Since it was gameday, all the guys were decked out in their Longhorn gear. Gage and Joey are admiring each other's duds.

Boys will be boys...Gage goes for the head and Joey grabs for the toes.

Wrestling match is over but Joey looks at Gage out of the corner of his eye in case he tries to strike again!

Later that day, Joey attended his first wedding reception for mommy's friend Brandi.

Joey and Dawn pose by the beautiful wedding cake. Yummy...when can we eat it???

Joey and mommy sharing a mother & son dance. I'm having a panic attack right now just thinking about Joey growing up and getting married. He should know that mommy will never think that any girl is good enough for him!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Chatty baby

From the sounds of it, Joey is ready to start chatting away. Listen to his adorable baby sounds in this video (don't forget to turn on your volume). I think he's saying something like, "Check out these cool stripes in my room. My mommy and daddy did a great job painting them and I love them so much." Also notice how Joey suffers from stage fright - as soon as he realizes the camera is on him, all he can do is stare and not another sound comes out of his little mouth.

Some miscellaneous pics from the last couple of days...

We went over to our friends the Taps' house to watch the UT vs. UCF game on Saturday. Check out Joey and cutie pie Sarah in their matching Longhorn shirts (Sarah's also got the orange crocs going). It looks like they're discussing their frustrations as to why the Horns just can't seem to get their stuff together!

Mima came to visit on Sunday and Monday so that mommy and daddy could have a little break. Looks to me like Joey really loves when she's here!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sitting...kind of.

Longhorn Gameday

This weekend, Joey and daddy dressed up in their UT game gear, dined on some chicken wings from Pluckers, and then settled onto the couch to enjoy the Longhorns victory over TCU.

Hmmm...first we need to get to the right channel!

Here's Joey yelling to Colt McCoy, "Don't throw any more interceptions!"

A happier Joey cheers on the Horns as they dominate the second half.

A relieved Joey and daddy after the big win.

p.s. You should know that these pictures aren't really during the gametime action - kickoff was 6:00p.m. and Joey's bedtime is at 7:00! These pictures were actually taken earlier in the day, probably when the guys were watching Michigan get stomped by Oregon.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Labor Day Weekend

Joey had some great fun celebrating his first Labor Day (now he just needs to figure out what we're actually celebrating on Labor Day).

First on the agenda, Joey's first dip in a swimming pool! Joey's #1 rule is to look hot and stay cool...

Then our friend Miss Mary came over for a visit and stayed to watch the UT vs. Arkansas St. game.

On Sunday we tried to go for a walk, but just as we got everything ready to go, we opened the front door and realized it was raining. But Joey seemed to enjoy being outside, so he hung out with Grandma on the front porch for a few minutes.

Monday was a lazy day so Joey decided to nap with mommy for a little while.

Here's a contemplative Joey at the end of the weekend thinking about all the fun that he's had and wishing that daddy didn't have to go back to work the next day.