Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Firehouse tour

One of the mommies in our playgroup organized a tour of a local firehouse this morning and as much as Joey loves trucks, wheels and all those boy things, we just had to be there. Here are a couple of pics...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The perfect armrest

Hmmm....turns out mommy's big ol' belly is good for something after all!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sarah's birthday party

This weekend Joey attended a birthday party for his friend Sarah who turned the big 3! The party was at a park near our house and had everything a kid could ask for - splash park, playground, pb&js and cake! Joey had a great time and although he couldn't quite say the words, I know that he was thinking, "I hope Sarah is enjoying her birthday party!"

Joey wandering around the splash park.

Drying off with some swinging time in the hot sun.

Joey and Nathan (birthday girl Sarah's baby brother)

Watching Sarah open her birthday presents.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fun in the sun(glasses)

Mima spent the day with Joey today and was able to capture some of their crazy fun moments together. Even though Hurricane Dolly finally brought us some much-needed rain, Joey picked a cloudy day to start wearing his sunglasses -in the house, no less. Needless to say he had at least one run-in with the couch (the couch won) but that didn't faze our tough guy one bit!

"Wait a this really how these things are supposed to work?"

"Oh yeah, much better!"

"Here I come!!!!!"

"Yup, I'm definitely the coolest baby in town driving with my shades on."

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lazy weekend...just what we needed!

After all the "excitement" of last weekend (i.e. mommy's weird stomach bug and Joey's yucky teething), we were all happy to enjoy a restful and lazy weekend at home.

Here are Joey and daddy wrapping up a long week on Friday evening with some apparently mesmerizing reading material.

On Saturday morning we had brunch at Trudy's with our Dallas friends Scott and Jon plus the whole McKinney clan. The good news is we did bring our camera. The bad news is that between all the catching up plus the tremendous all-you-can-eat brunch buffet, we forgot to get the camera out for pictures. Oops!

When Joey woke up from his Saturday afternoon nap, we all enjoyed some time playing around in Grandma's room. It's a newly discovered play area for Joey and now that he's starting to crawl up onto things, he especially likes playing on top of some of Gma's storage boxes. In this video you'll also see Joey's new love for dancing (aka spinning in a circle) and chatting on the phone.

We enjoyed breakfast at home on Sunday morning and afterwards Joey decided to help with the dishes. Okay, I know everyone and their dog has a picture of their child standing on top of the dishwasher but of course I think my photo is priceless. The expression on Joey's face is hilarious and plus he's not wearing any pants which is always a crowd favorite.

We wrapped up the morning by watching the British Open and Joey and daddy enjoyed a little ticklefest on the couch.

This weekend is exactly what we all needed to get ready for the work week. We're excited that on Wednesday we get to do another ultrasound and see Baby Magu #2 again!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

15-month well check

Joey had his 15-month well check appointment last week and here are his latest stats:

Weight: 25 lbs., 14 oz. (bwtn 50-75th percentile)
Length: 31.5" (btwn 50-75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 95th percentile

Our family has had a few rough days - Joey is teething and this time it's really bothering him. Plus mommy got some food poisoning (we think) and has not been able to keep food down since last Friday. That's left daddy to take care of the both of us for the past few days and the poor guy is just plain exhausted. We're all pretty much in recovery mode now and daddy is grateful to be going back to work tomorrow.

Here is a peaceful moment from this morning when Joey helped daddy water the plants in the yard.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Test results are back...

and we're so blessed that it's wonderful news about Baby Magu #2! All of his chromosomes are as they should be (right number - no more, no less) which means he does not have Down Syndrome. He also tested negative for Spina Bifida. Plus the genetic counselor confirmed that Baby Magu #2 is indeed a little boy. We are absolutely thrilled. It's been a difficult two weeks while we've been awaiting the results but we are so thankful for our friends and family who kept us in their thoughts and prayers.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Horseshoe Bay

Last weekend we met up with our friends Courtney and Jon and their little girl Kendall (aka Joey's Dallas girlfriend) for a weekend at the Horseshoe Bay Resort in Marble Falls. It's been a year since the kids have seen each other and if we had any worries about them not getting along, it didn't last long. They had a great time playing together all weekend, we all got a chance to chat and catch up, and best of all, each set of parents got a night out to relax with a kiddo-free dinner date!