Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It's a boy!

We found out today that Joey is going to get a little baby brother! So when we got home from the ultrasound, mommy dug out her old-school preemie boy Cabbage Patch Kid, Herbert (I didn't choose the name - that's what came on his birth certificate) to help Joey get used to the idea of having a little brother around the house. He looks like he's ready to be a big brother, don't you think?

We were all thrilled to find out the baby boy news, but the doctor also did see some abnormalities that he didn't feel quite comfortable with. So we ultimately decided to do an amniocentesis today to get a definitive answer on whether or not our little boy has any chromosomal issues. We should get results back in 10-14 days.

In other news, Joey has been feverish and congested for the last few days so last night we took him to the doctor and found out that he is fighting his first ear infection. Our guy is a total champ and although he's obviously annoyed with the runny nose and irritating earache, he's just as happy as ever!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wedding fun

This past weekend we attended wedding festivities of a good family friend. We originally had not planned on bringing Joey with us, but when we heard that there would be other kids there, we decided to bring him along. He was absolutely fantastic - far exceeded our expectations - and even stayed up until almost 9:00!

Our happy family...who doesn't love a wedding?
Joey with his new favorite person in the world, my childhood friend, Wendy.
Joey getting some tips from Blake the ringbearer. We will keep practicing these skills so that Joey's services can be available for any upcoming nuptials.
Working it on the dance floor.
Mommy dragging Joey off the dance floor...time to say good night!

Monday, June 16, 2008

I'm too sexy...

...for my shirt. Plus, it's too dang hot these days to wear a shirt all the time!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all you daddies out there! Joey especially wants to wish his awesome daddy the best today. It's been a great relaxing day for all of us today. We started off with a surprise breakfast for daddy this morning - Joey kept daddy distracted while mommy cooked the food. Then after some lounging around, we all went to the neighborhood pool to splash around and get some sun. Daddy's gift is a round of golf which he will get to enjoy when we go to the Horseshoe Bay Resort with some friends in a couple of weeks. We love you daddy!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Fun in the sun

Daddy bought Joey a new pool-like toy that we tried out today for the first time. It was a great way to be outside during what our weather forecasters are calling a "heat wave" (otherwise known as summer in Texas). Anyways, you attach a garden hose to the pool and once it fills up, it starts spraying water from the sides. It was lots of slippery fun for Joey!