Sunday, July 29, 2007

We are believers!

Look how calm, cool and collected Joey is in the picture below. And you want to know why that is? Because Dr. Ferber is a genius and his method for helping babies learn to fall asleep on their own is incredible. Last night Joey fell asleep on his own after about 30 minutes and slept from 7:30p.m. all the way to 4:00a.m. straight! Then he woke up for a quick feeding and although it was more difficult for him to fall asleep after that, once he did fall asleep again, he slept until 7:15 this morning. And tonight Joey fell asleep on his own after only 10 minutes. Incredible! Naps are not as automatic, but trust me, I won't give up until we get there.

And look at Grandma - even she is more relaxed now that Joey is sleeping so well!

My high school friend Ashley was in town this weekend and came by to meet Joey. He insisted that I dress him in one of the outfits that Ashley sent to him. He's pretty darn handsome! His facial expression is priceless - looks like he just saw a ghost!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

What a busy week!

It's Saturday night and Joey is completely wiped out from the busy week that he's had. We spent Wednesday and Thursday of this week at Mima's house in San Antonio and had some excellent playtime with the whole family. While we were there, Joey rolled over from his tummy to his back for the first time!

Here's Joey with Uncle John and Aunt Julie, cousins Beth and Maggie and Aunt Katie at Los Barrios (yummy!)

Here's Joey just enjoying himself at Mima's house. He's also really happy because mommy let him stop tummy time once he rolled over.

I've been trying desperately for the last two days to capture a video or a picture of Joey rolling over. But of course it never happens when a camera is around. So instead here's a picture of Joey desperately trying to roll himself from his back onto his stomach. The big guy isn't quite there yet, but he looks like he's getting close.

We also started the Ferber method this weekend to teach Joey how to fall asleep on his own WITHOUT his pacifier (whew!). Last night was our first try and here was Joey's schedule:

7:30p.m. - put Joey down in his crib
8:15p.m. - after about 45 minutes of crying, Joey falls asleep
Midnight - Joey wakes up for the first time
12:30a.m. - after about 30 minutes of crying, Joey falls asleep again
4:30a.m. - Joey wakes up, we feed him, he falls asleep
6:30a.m. - Joey wakes up for the day

We also tried the Ferber method for Joey's naps today and amazingly enough, at 8:45a.m. this morning, we put him in his crib and he fell asleep on his own around 9:05a.m. But that's not even the amazing part. The amazing part is that he actually stayed asleep in his crib for a whole hour (for those not familiar with Joey's previous napping habits, he required a lot of rocking, bouncing and holding for naps)! We struggled more with the afternoon naps so that's still a work in progress. But we are so happy to see such quick results already and can't believe we've made it through one day without the pacifier. We'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Just the guys

Joey had a bit of a runny nose and some congestion last week and then mommy got sick over the weekend with a sore throat and cough (what a mess we were!). So daddy took charge of the household and spent some extra quality time with Joey to make sure that he got better. And you know when daddy's in charge that always means lots of photos!

Here is Joey trying out his high chair for the first time...

And here is Joey just laying around on the quilt that his Mima made for him. We love playing with all of our toys on the quilt and it makes us happy during tummy time too. Thanks, Mima!

Ralph also stopped by the house to check on Joey and the suburban lifestyle. He's got to make sure that his future wingman is stayin' slick and keepin' cool!

The good news is that we are all feeling better now. Joey still has a little bit of congestion but he is starting to get used to the evil bulb syringe. His feedings are getting much easier with each bottle so I think that means we won't need the barium swallow (whew!). And thanks to Mima's last minute trip to our house yesterday to take care of Joey, mommy was able to sleep all day and woke up today feeling 100%!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Acid Reflux - Part 2

Joey started taking Zantac at around six weeks of age because he appeared to be in pain during every feeding and they were really a struggle for all involved. So we started the Zantac, switched to Dr. Brown bottles and the feedings got so much better (I couldn't believe that I was able to have a phone conversation during a feeding). Last week, though, the feedings started becoming a struggle again and all this week Joey was eating about half of what he usually eats. We went back to the doctor today and received a prescription for Prevacid which we will start tomorrow. If things don't get better by next Friday, the doctor recommended that we go in for a barium swallow (Joey drinks some stuff down and they track the liquid going through his tummy) to make sure that acid reflux is really the culprit. Let's hope the Prevacid works!

On a lighter note, look how cool Joey looks in his hip onesie (a gift from Belinda - thanks, B!).

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Road trip!

This weekend we packed up the whole gang (daddy, mommy, Joey and grandma) and took a road trip to Dallas to visit family and friends. Joey was so excited to meet all of the people that he's heard so much about!

Joey spent the day Friday chillin' and relaxin' - he knew that he had a long car ride ahead of him...

And on Friday night we had a fun visit with cousin Traci who had driven in from Dallas to spend the weekend here in town with some of her friends. Joey had lots of fun with Traci while mommy and daddy were packing up for the trip (packing for an overnight trip was almost as tedious as packing for our vacation to California).

Our first stop in Dallas was to visit Uncle Jeff and Aunt Lily and cousins Susan and Ryan.

Then we were off to see our friends Courtney and Jon and their little girl Kendall (thanks so much for hosting us for the evening, by the way!).

Here is Kendall checking Joey out wondering what he's doing on her turf...

We also had dinner with some other good friends - Doug and Margaret, Jeff and Meredith (and their little girl Maddy who was so adorable but didn't show up in any pics) and Belinda (who is also adorable but didn't show up in any pics)...

Newlyweds Doug and Margaret

Meredith with Joey while Jeff looks on

We had such a fun time visiting with everyone and by the time we left on Sunday, Joey and Kendall were fast friends too!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

Joey had a pretty low-key 4th of July. It rained most of the day (again), so he spent his time lounging, reading and having a laugh with mommy and daddy. The neighborhood fireworks display was way past his bedtime, but maybe he'll be able to catch the big show next year.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Arnold Housewarming

The Arnolds have moved into their beautiful new home and over the weekend we dropped by for a casual family housewarming gathering. It was great to see everyone and we can't wait to catch up with the family again at The Broken Bone later this summer.