Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This was a busy Halloween season for us mostly because it was our first time coordinating for two kiddos. So I'll never understand why I decided that it would be a fun idea to make Joey's costume. I may have thought that it would be cheaper than buying one (which it wasn't) or maybe I thought that he would appreciate it more (which he didn't). But one thing's for sure - a lot of blood, sweat and tears went into that thing and it actually turned out quite cute!

Joey helping out by painting one of the styrofoam wheels.

The finished product...TA DA! We used a carseat box and to make the car red (Joey's favorite color) and to help make it a bit sturdier, we wrapped red electrical tape around the whole thing. We topped it off with some styrofoam wheels, a couple of LED headlights and daddy's homemade TX license plate.

Our not so happy sunshine. Why does trick or treating have to start so late?

Trick or treating with our friends and neighbors, the McInnis family.

Here's a video from the Halloween Parade at Joey's school where his red car costume made its official debut.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

TX-OU Weekend

Since we don't have tickets (or the energy) for TX-OU weekend in Dallas anymore, we hosted a small get-together of fellow Longhorns at our house during the game. This was the boys' first real experience with a TX-OU party and they'd better get used to it because there's a lot more where that came from. Hook 'em!

Owen enjoying a pre-game Mum Mum snack.

Joey and his future college roomies, Cristian and Zander.

Joey showing off his brand-new parking garage to our friend Daniel. More importantly, check out Colt and Mack on the TV in the background with their victory pose.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Owen is talking!

Owen is quite the babbler as of late. His vocabulary currently includes "hi", "dada", "lalalala" (which signals to us that we need to start singing) and "nai nai" (Chinese for Grandma). No matter how hard I try, I cannot get him to say mama. That darn boy.